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Visar inlägg från mars, 2008

Housewarming Party

Yesterday we had our housewarming party. It was great. Several neighbours came, colleagues from Harros work, colleagues from my work and friends from church. It was really great. The first "rush" was from 17.00-20.00, there we had 5 of our friends from church + 2 children, 2 of Harros colleagues + girlfriend and 3 neighbour couples + 3 children. Then we had a short break and at about 20.30 the second rush came with 3 of my colleagues + boyfriend, Harros colleague + girlfriend and one neighbour couple. It was a really nice evening and I think that everybody who was here enjoyed the party very much. =) Unfortunately I totally forgot to take any pictures. I've got them in my head, but it would have been nice to have them here. Well well, this was not our first and last party, there will be more =)

8 Days of Parents

For 8 days my parents have been here, until yesterday. It has been great to have them here but also tiering since both I and Harro have been working all days except the hollidays now around easter. During the weekend of the 22th-23th of March Harros parents were here also, to meet us and my parents on their way to France. As we have beds for 7 persons/guests (not our own beds included) it was no problem =) Always fun with visitors, since our doors are always open if we just have time and energy. Here are some pictures from the past week. Visit at the ZOO in Zürich Penguin Parade Tropical Gardens Relaxing at home with the Family - Feet on the table

Outdoor Furniture

Today finally we got our outdoor furniture! It looks really great! So now we can enjoy the good weather that is coming our way now that it has been snowing for almost one week. Crazy weather...


Our little cat-lady Julia has been totally crazy these last few days. She's been "mjauing" all the time and doing strange moves. I don't think she has known what to do with herself because this was the first time this happened to her. Romeo did not understand what to do about it and just thought that Julia was beeing annoying. So today I took her to the veterinarian to have her sterilized. That will probably be the best. But Romeo is beeing sad having to be home on his own and it wasn't easy to leave Julia. But everything will be okay. The veterinarian was really nice.

Outdoor fruniture

Tis afternoon Harro and I decided to order furniture for our balcony. We have found really nice furniture at the shoppingmall were we also bought the "cat-tree" that I was writing about before. It will take about two-three weeks until we get it, but it will fit us perfectly =)

17 Mars 2008

Yesterday Harro and I were at the Shopping Mall to buy a few things for our cats. Then our eyes fell on a "cat-tree", we just couldn't help our selves, so we bought it. It's sooo nice, and the cats seem to like it too, they just need to get used to it =) Still they like the sofa and Harros chair the most. I didn't feel that good this morning. I had a soar throat and I'm sneezing a lot, hopefully I don't get sick. But now I've bought Enchinaforce, so hopefully my immune-system will fight the cold back.


Today I went to a nailstudio, it was quite some time since I went to a nailspecialist to have my nails fixed. So now I´m really happy =) I also have finished making the curtains by the big diningtable between the kitchen and the livingroom. Im quite proud abut it =P


Yesterday Romeo sat on Harro´s lap for the first time. This evening they were sitting proudly on the sofa between me in the other sofa and Harro in the chair.

Weekend with family and friends in Saas Grund


Efter att ha dragit ut på det ett tag nu kändes det att det var dags att ta tag i gästrummet, även kallat "mitt rum" där mitt piano, min gamla säng mitt skrivbord och lite annat står. Alla flyttkartonger som inte packats upp har stått där nu sedan vi flyttat in. Jag har plockat i det då och då, men inte riktigt tagit tag i det på riktigt. Nu är de flesta kartongerna utplockade och kläder upphängda i garderoben i sovrummet. I morgon ska jag bära ner den kartong med kläder som jag ska spara ner i källeren, packa ut de sista kartongerna, bära ner de utpackade kartonerna och slänga allt skräp. Till sist ska jag dammsuga hela rummet och bädda sängen. Men det är i morgon. Just nu är jag bara dödstrött, har varit en jobbig vecka och jag har sovit dåligt natten till idag... Hoppas jag sover bättre i natt, men jag har ju ledigt i morgon. Men jag har ju massor att göra. *suck*