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Visar inlägg från september, 2008

Mixed Pictures from the Holliday in Barcelona, Verenas Birthday and Corinnes visit

Corinnes visit, we were out eating in our favourite restaurant in Zürich, Blue Monkey Verenas birthday with the cake I made A cat sitting on the dashboard in a car on the highway from Barcelona to Montpellier Sagrada Familia in Barcelona

Friends from Germany

This weeks we have friends from Germany at our home, Verena and Jan-Olof. They are Harros friends from "way back" but I have met them once before, we visited them last time we were in Germany on our way back from Holland to Switzerland. Om thursday Verena had her birthday. As always, with friends, I made a birthday cake. But this time not the rasberry but a chocolate cake, since Verena loves chokolate =) Pictures will come soon. Yesterday we had some working colleagues of Harro + partners here as well for a little party with some grilling. It was planned that we would go into the center of Dübendorf to attend at the "Dübi fest", a festivity here in town once a year. But it was raining the whole evening, so we stayed at our place and it was really nice. Now it's sunday again and tomorrow I have my day off. A long weekend (saturday, sunday, monday) is so nice. But I hope that next week will be better. The end of last week we were three people short in the departme...